
Lijiang River

The river takes a big turn at Xingping and endowed with beautiful and poetic scenery. It has been reproduced in many Chinese landscape paintings. Even the newly-issued 20 RMB note has the scenery on its back. A photographer once said: "Shots from any perspective for this place turn to be impressive and stunning".

A "village" on the river bank is worthy a visit. Chinese call it a "village" because of the fact that nowadays it is inhabited by villagers. Actually, it is an age-old castle complex survived from over 500 years ago. Although some courtyard buildings have weathered through ages, the simple but elegant flying-eaves, roofs with colorful paintings, lattice windows and unique timber structures present the folk residence from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The villagers have the same surname of Zhao, so it is rumored that they are descendents of the imperial family in the Song Dynasty. Both Dr. Sun Yet-sun, the pioneer of China's democratic revolution and US president Colinton paid a visit to the village on their visits to Li River.


Boats for departure

Boats taking off

Getting onbard

Sitting down for departure

On our way

Rear cooking of bad lunch

People live along the River

Part of the first leg

Continue down the river

Bamboo rafts used

High Mountains

Animal farming

Mountains in distance

Water Buffalos

More of the Buffalos

Mountains (1)

Mountains (2)

Mountains (3)

Mountains (4)

Mountains (5)

Mountains (6)

Mountains (7)

Mountains (8)


Copyright: Robert Haxne
